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Boise Rescue Mission Ministries

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Can Castle Competition 2025

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Can Castle Competition 2025

March 1 to April 4


March 1
April 4

We are excited to announce our 14th Annual Can Castle Competition. We would like to invite you to participate! This is an opportunity for your business, church, or family to collect cans of food and other non-perishables to help feed men, women, and children in your community that stay at our shelters. Donations of non-perishable food items as well as hygiene and monetary contributions count for this challenge. Each participating organization will use the items you collect to build a CAN CASTLE creation and compete in the contest!

To kick things off, you will start by collecting canned goods through the month of March, and then submit photos of the ‘Castle’ you create before 5 p.m. on, Thursday March 27th. The Castles will be judged on two criteria: the amount of food collected, and the overall creativity of the castle. Judging and voting will take place on the Rescue Mission’s Facebook page from April 1st-April 3rd. On Friday April 4th the castle with the most likes on Facebook will be announced on Facebook!

The castle that has the most votes will be presented with a The Golden Can Trophy and the group with the most food will receive a plaque. Registration to build your own castle will open in February!

You can register here following this link –

We want to thank our sponsor, Albertsons, for supporting men, women, and children who are hungry and homeless!