Heather and Her Kids Find Hope Through the Kids Program

Summer at the Rescue Mission’s Kids Program is a time of extraordinary experiences for children of all ages! From thrilling visits to the zoo and water park to eye-opening explorations of colleges and trade schools, the Kids Program is a gateway to new horizons and shared fun with new friends.

Thanks to the Kids Program, Heather and her family were given a glimmer of hope through challenging times.

Heather is a single mom dedicated to raising her three exceptional, fun-loving children. She had an idea of how her and her kids’ lives would unfold and becoming homeless was never a part of that plan. Due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, they received a 30-day notice to vacate their home.

“I didn’t know I would have to vacate in 30 days, and it was not long enough for me to build stability with an employer. It was especially challenging feeling like I didn’t have control of how things would unfold for myself or my kids.”

Homelessness can happen to anyone at any time. Donors like you make it possible for Heather, her kids, and others like them to have a safe place to go when life doesn’t go as planned. Your gift today can help provide hope and safety to kids and families during uncertain times.

Needing a place to sleep and resources to support her children, Heather came to Valley Women and Children’s Shelter. “They gave us resources we needed, and my kids joined the Kids Program right away.”

“Kids Program allowed me to start lowering my pride, my walls, and my barriers. It provided stability, consistency, and accountability.” Her oldest says, “It’s fun! I get to do a lot of things that I haven’t done before.”

Now, Heather has a stable job and is able support her kids. They have also found a home of their own!Kids Program at the Mission is more than a place for kids to come and play. It’s a place that represents hope for the families of today and the futures of tomorrow. Will you support the Mission and give help to kids and families in need?